The form that was reproduced by taking a mold from the real thing, and by the licensing agreement with Walther, Inc., boasts the highest level of reproducibility among the series. Reproduced the blow back that the slide is retracted when it fires. It will produce a more enjoyable shooting. Equipped the full-auto mode to launch a continuous shooting while pulling a trigger. Operating the trigger that front of the selector lever, you can switch the full / semi-automatic fire by touch it.Lever-type Safety equipment is set in front of the grip. It is possible to fire to compress the Safty lever while grasping the grip.
SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR Tシャツ¥3,500(税込)SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR スポーツタオル¥2,500(税込)SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR パーカー¥6,000(税込)シュシュ(全8種ランダム)¥700(税込)※全8種のうち1種が入っています。中を選んで購入する事はできません。
SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR T셔츠¥3,500(세금포함)SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR 스포츠 타올¥2,500(세금포함)SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR 후드티¥6,000(세금포함)헤어슈슈(곱창머리끈)(전8종랜덤)¥700(세금포함)※8종류중 1가지가 랜덤하게 들어있습니다. 내용물을 보고 구입하실수 없습니다.
チェンジングカード(全8種ランダム)¥1,200(税込)※全8種のうち1種が入っています。中を選んで購入する事はできません。SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR ミラー¥1,800(税込)
체인징카드(전8종 랜덤)¥1,200(세금포함)※전8종 중의 한가지가 들어있습니다。내용물을 확인하고 구입하실수는 없습니다。SOLIDEMO 1st TOUR 미러¥1,800(세금포함)