amanda12 Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
amanda12 English → Japanese
Original Text

A is your smart food journal that lets you organize and explore favorite food moments

People use A to remember a dinner date, share their home-cooked creations, explore what's good in places and organize these great finds. Best of all, you know it's really good when your friends love it too. We're finally out of beta!

★ Smart Suggestions - A auto-magically remembers where you had your dinner last Sunday. Wow, that's so cool!
★ Beautiful Journal - Add and curate your food moments into a beautiful collection of boxes
★ Trusted Opinions - Food is always better with friends. Browse from people and boxes you follow
★ Sharing Made Useful - Reburp, comment and share your favorite food moments to Facebook and Twitter




★素晴らしい提案 嘘のように自動的に先週の日曜日に食べたディナーの場所を覚えていられる。まったくすごいですね!
★きれいなジャーナルです あなたの食体験をきれいなコレクションの中に加えて作成しましょう
★信頼のできる意見です いつでも食事は友達とした方がいいですね。気に入った人々とボックスを閲覧してみましょう。 
★共有は役に立ちます   FacebookやTwitterで好きな食事体験にコメントしたりシェアしましょう。