The movie continues, showing pamphleteers outside polling places handing out what they call "information on traditional marriage." Directed by Yoruba Richen (who also made "Promised Land," a film about property issues in post-apartheid South Africa, in 2010), "The New Black" is an informative, measured, and never-not-engaging documentary about the emergence of LGBT consciousness in African-American communities across the U.S., and particularly communities with a strong church presence. Noting that African-American religious leaders had a prominent part in the passage of the notorious gay-marriage-banning Proposition 8 in 2008, it chronicles activism while examining age-old attitudes.
Filem lanjut dengan memperlihatkan tukang menulis ejekan di luar TPS sambil membagi yang disebut "informasi tentang pernikahan tradisional". Disutradarai oleh Yoruba Richen (yang bikin juga "Promised Land", film tentang soal-soal property di saat berikut apartheid di Afrika Selatan, pada tahun 2010), "The New Black" adalah documenter informative, diukur, dan selalu menarik tentang emergensi kesadaran tentang LGBD (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) di komunitas Afro-Amerika di dalam USA, dan lebih focus di komunitas dengan banyak kehadiran agama Kristen. Karena pemimpin Afro-Amerika agama Kristen sudah banyak berusaha banyak untuk Propositin 8 tentang melarang pernikahan Gay pada tahun 2008, dia bercerita tentang aktivism sambil memperiksa kebiasaan yang kuno.
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