吉田 隆 (akutaya) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
akutaya English → Japanese
Original Text

Simulations and serious games have been used in e-learning for some time, and the tracking and reporting has largely been limited to the proprietary systems in which they live. The Tin Can API brings simulations and serious games into a new light, where they can be tracked in any LRS that supports the Tin Can API. This broadens competition and opens up more possibilities to content creators, learning institutions, and learners.

The Tin Can API doesn’t do one specific thing to make tracking and reporting on simulations and serious games better — it does several:

・Distributed content : simulations and games can live locally/on their own servers, and send statements to external LRSs.


シミュレーションとまじめなゲームは時々eラーニングに使われてきたし、能力別のコースわけや報告は大部分がそれらが動いている所与のシステムによって制限されていました。Tin Can APIはシミュレーションとまじめなゲームにTin Can APIをサポートしているどのLRSでも辿ることができるというところに新たな光を当てました。これは競争を広げ、コンテンツの創造、学習機関、学習者により多くの可能性を開きます。

Tin Can APIはトラッキングと報告を行うためにある特定のことをするわけではありません。幾つかのことを行います。


akutaya English → Japanese
Original Text

・Multiple learners and team-based learning : useful for multiplayer games and simulations. Data can now be reported across the entire group in a way that shows important information to the group.

・Tin Can API conformant activities can live outside of the browser , a deciding factor for most simulations and games. Also, since the activities aren’t limited to a browser session, much, much more data can be sent to the LRS.

・Instructor interaction : useful for when an instructor wants to intervene during a simulation, or if an instructor wants to change the scenario in a simulator on-the-fly. While we didn’t directly define a way for this to happen, it can be done through the use of user-defined variables .



・Tin Can APIに適合する活動はほとんどのシミュレーションとゲームでは決定した事実をブラウザの外でも動かすことができます。また、ブラウザセッションは制限されていないので、非常に多くのデータをLRSへ送信することができます。
