Notice of Conyac Termination

akira81 Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
akira81 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Females who want to break this ceiling often have to resort to extreme means to do so. Saba Gul, founder of high-end handbag company Popinjay, recalls the story of a young girl named Azaada Khan, who had disguised herself as a boy for 12 years in order to be allowed to attend school in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

As a student fortunate enough to be studying in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – and so geographically separated from these realities – the story deeply impacted her. Even though she managed to land a six-figure engineering job after graduation, Saba couldn’t get the story out of her mind.


最高級ハンドバックを扱うPopinjay社の創立者であるSaba Gul氏は、タリバンが支配していたアフガニスタンで学校に通うことを許されるために、12年間に渡って自分を少年と偽ってきたAzaada Khanという名の少女の話を思い起こす。

地理的にアフガニスタンの女性の現実から遠く隔たった場所に住み、マサチューセッツ工科大学で勉強するほど幸福だった学生のとき、Saba Gul氏はAzaada Khanちゃんのことを知り強い衝撃を受けた。彼女は卒業した後、6桁もの収入が支払われるエンジニア職を手に入れたが、Azaada Khanちゃんの話を忘れることが出来なかった。