ageha75 Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ageha75 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Malcolm Douglas McIlroy (born 1932) is a mathematician, engineer, and programmer. As of 2007 he is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College. Dr. McIlroy is best known for having originally developed Unix pipelines, software componentry and several Unix tools, such as spell, diff, sort, join, graph, speak, and tr.
His seminal work on software componentization,makes him a pioneer of component-based software engineering and software product line engineering.

Those types are not "abstract"; they are as real as int and float.
As a programmer, it is your job to put yourself out of business. What you do today can be automated tomorrow.
The real hero of programming is the one who writes negative code.


Malcolm Douglas McIlroy(1932年誕生)は数学者であり、エンジニアであり、プログラマーである。 2007年時点で、彼はDartmouth Collegeのコンピューターサイエンスの非常勤教授である。Dr. McIlroyは元々はUnixパイプライン、ソフトウェアの構成部品、そしてspell、diff、sort、join、graph、speak、trのようないくつかのUnixツールを発明したことで知られている。

プログラマーとして、ビジネスの外へ自分を追いやるのはあなたの仕事だ。 今日あなたがすることは明日オートメーション化され得る。