Maimai (6sunsmile6) Translations

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Almost 8 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

①Can I put other people on vocal rest?
①´ you know it's a good tweet when you re-tweet your own damn self.
①It's #TBT and instead of a photo I'm going to take this opportunity to break the seal on RTing myself. Old tweets need love too.

②u know those straight dudes who think they're 'really good' at doing an impression of Heath Ledger's Joker
②´ what about gay dudes' "stitch" from lilo & stitch impersonations
②ok no offense but I'm like really good at it

③every time I see a couple fighting in public I stop to watch because I'm a drama vampire and I have the need to feed

④When you pretend not to care but on the inside you're slaughtered by demons, hurting and begging for help, looking for a way out, crying bec






6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Enhance blood circulation, accelerate the decomposition of fat, take away
wastes, enhance the effect of removing cellulite, effectively improve the state of areola
tissue, remove stubborn fat and improve the sufficient absorption condition of diet
A facial lifting is a non-surgical, non ~invasive cosmetic technique mat safely and
effectively improves me health and appearance of me skin. A facial lifting uses
technologies developed in me medical and physiotherapy fields to activate me skin's
natural chemicals responsible for health and vitality. A facial lifting provides satisfying
aesthetic results with less risk of side effects compared to a traditional face lift.



6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A facial lifting procedure is proven safe and effective,delivering results at a fraction of the cost of traditional procedures
It can removal wrinkle and tighten skin,whiten and tender skin,shrink pores,dispel black eye socket,pouch and crow's-feet,removal the yellow skin,removal face edema,removal face toxin,lifting face,speed up me secrete of skin,neck care,removal neck wrinkle,tighten and whiten skin

Welcome to choose our latest product WL-939 which is multi
frequency radio frequency technology, negative pressure and low
frequency ultrasonic cavitation application integration technology of
the latest slimming product.WL-939 is te instrument of professional
beauty,need to be trained operators hand operation




6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Based on Olmsted's extensive research and conversations with experts in the food industry, he uncovered some unsettling information. Here's the unfortunate truth about what's really in some of the foods you likely eat regularly, like parmesan cheese and tea.
1. Parmesan cheese
In case you missed it, your parmesan cheese might not actually be parmesan. It might contain — brace yourself — wood pulp. Going for that pricier block of parmigiano-reggiano imported from Italy is completely worth if it you care about what's really in your cheese. "The green can calls itself Parmesan but has nothing in it that I think can actually even be called cheese," James Beard Award-winning author Laura Werlin is quoted in the book.


オルムステッドの氏の広範囲に渡った調査や 食品産業の専門家との対談に基づくと、彼は我々を混乱させるような情報をいくつか打ち明けています。ここでは、パルメザンチーズや紅茶といった、あなた達が普段から食するであろう食品の中に実は入っているものついて、不運な真実が書いてあります。


6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

2. Steak
A package of steak that says "grass-fed beef" might not actually mean much. "Grass fed just means it ate grass at some point in its life, which every cow does," said Casey Cook, a former US Army Special Forces soldier. After that, there's a chance the cow could have eaten corn, grain, and any number of hormones.
3. Honey
Honey laundering is real. Be sure to read the ingredient list the next time you buy honey, and go for local whenever possible. Because there are so few federal standards for honey, you could "end up with an unlabeled blend, adulterated with impossible-to-detect cheap sweeteners or illegal antibiotics," Olmsted discovered in a Seattle Post-Intelligencer article.


2. ステーキ

3. はちみつ
というのは本当です。今後あなたがはちみつを購入するときには、原材料表示を必ず読んでください。どこへ買いに行くにしても、できる限りまいか確認してください。はちみつに関する政府規定はかなり少ないので、オルムステッドがシアトルポストの内部告発者の記事で明らかにした通り、 あなたは「結局にラベルのない混合物、それも見抜けないような安価な甘味料や違法な抗菌作用を含んだ不純物を摂取することとなる」だろう。

6sunsmile6 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The book describes an experiment in which Rockefeller University's Dr. Mark Stoeckle and his students "tested herbal teas and a third of them had things not listed on the label, like 'weeds.' It didn't matter whether they were low end or high end."
6. Cheese
"Bearing in mind that the US has the most lax cheese-labeling laws of pretty much any developed nation, American 'cheese,' with its saturated fats, emulsifiers, and other additives, ventures so far from the basic definition that it can't legally be called cheese, and when I was younger, it used to be widely known as 'American cheese food.'"
7. Spices
Spices, especially when sold dry — as most are — have lots of similarities to tea, so there is plenty of fraud.


その本の中で ロックフェラー大学のマーク・シュテックル教授とその学生が行なった実験について、以下のように記述しております。「ハーブティー分析すると、茎や葉をはじめとした ハーブティーに含まれた材料の3分の1はリストに載せられていませんでした。低価格なものから高価格なハーブにいたるまで、同じ結果です。」

