Based on the above, we seem have a reader who is interested in your company's product image. I am thinking about submitting it to them as it is a good-quality photo. (This will contribute to our own company and as image that will satisfy the requirements of the Creativity Commons).
ご連絡をありがとう。HPに掲載している写真を保存して、顧客に知らせます。一つ質問があります。Golf Prideのグリップが2種類(黒/赤、黒)掲載されていますが、番手ごとにグリップが違うのですか?もし違う場合はそれぞれの番手を教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
Thanks for your contact.I will save the photos you have posted in HP to let the customer know. I have a question. There have been published two kinds of grips in Golf Pride (Black/red and black), but is the grip of every count different? If it is, please tell me the count for each one. Thank you.