Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Many of the mentioned startups, including our own online store CuriousCatch.com, are fairly new channels that are reinventing (or replicating) what overseas counterparts are doing.These overseas sites include Fab, Etsy and Kickstarter, which are more established and well-funded than most of us.Since our announced launch in 31 July, this year, we’ve been getting a variety of feedback and suggestions from our customers and personally I’ve come to learn more about how the local market consumes creative goods and services as compared to a market like the U.S. or China.There’s also much to learn from studying brick and mortar set-ups in the same space, including multi-label boutiques and flea markets.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Expanding on what Terence has shared, I hope to explore what are the pre-conditions necessary for the success of platformed creativity in Asia, particularly Singapore.The Big Apple as a role model for Asia’s creative entrepreneurs A New Yorker consumes differently as compared to a Singaporean.A friend shared a fascinating story of how he’s able to build film sets cheaply as a film student from scavenging the more well-to-do parts of the city.He’s found fairly new furniture like that’s dumped on the streets, even though it’s probably been used for only 3 to 6 months.These households consist of mainly working professionals with ready disposable income.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The rumor suggests that all the TongCard features will find their way into Tencent’s WeChat/Weixin app after the acquisition, bringing all those coupons to the messaging app’s 200+ million users. It’d also see Tencent make a huge leap in its O2O service strength, growing to beat major web companies and startups operating in this space. And so it’d help Tencent and WeChat surpass rivals such as local coupons startup DDMap, or Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) with its deals-equipped Maps app.

If the acquisition comes to pass, the TongCard capabilities might be tied with Tencent’s own e-payment system Tenpay, which we know will soon appear within WeChat.


噂によると、買収後、TongCardのすべての機能がTencentのWeChat/Weixinアプリで使えるらしく、メッセージアプリの2億人以上のユーザーに全ての割引クーポンが提供される。 Tencent はO2Oサービスでも大きく躍進し、ウェブ上で経営している主要なウェブ企業やスタートアップを打ち負かすようになるだろう。それはTencentとWeChatは地域のクーポンスタートアップDDMapやBaidu (NASDAQ:BIDU)のようなライバルを多機能を搭載した地図アプリで凌駕することになるかもりせない。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Miss Selfridge began as the young fashion wing of Selfridges department store in 1966,
There are now over 180 Miss Selfridge stores offering a unique range of clothing and accessories.
Over the past four decades, Miss Selfridge has proven to be one of the most well loved brands on the high street.
As a boutique brand, Miss Selfridge works hard for its customers, always aiming to give them something unique.
Whether it's getting inspiration from vintage prints, sourcing its cloth from all over the world or using its in- house design team,
our aim is to create a distinctively feminine, flirty, fun and contemporary style for fashion aware women.


Miss Selfridge は、1966年、Selfridgesデパートのヤングファッション部門として始まり、現在180を超えるMiss Selfridgeの店舗でユニークな衣類やアクセサリーを提供しています。この40年間でMiss Selfridge はメイン通りで人々に最も愛されるブランドになりました。ブティックブランドとしてMiss Selfridgeは常にお客様にユニークな商品を提供できるよう努力しております。世界中の布地にヒントを得たヴィンテージプリントからインスピレーションを得る時も、または社内デザインチームを利用する場合も、私達の目標はファッションに敏感な女性のために、特色のあるフェミニンで遊び心のある、そして楽しく現代的なスタイルをクリエートすることです。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

These moments can only be facilitated by a dedicated team of Community managers such as the one at HUBBA, where we know everything about everyone so that we can always make the right introductions and referrals. Unfortunately, this will never occur if you work out at home or in a coffeeshop.

Thirdly, coworking spaces are full of crazy, self-motivated people hell bent on changing the world, disrupting businesses as usual or creating killer apps for people. When any startup joins a space, catching the co-motivation or co-ambition bug is inevitable, since entrepreneurs by nature are competitive people.


These moments can only be facilitated by a dedicated team of そのようなチャンスはHUBBAのそれのように、コミュニティー・マネージャーの熱心なチームによってのみ容易になる。そこでは全ての人について何でも知っているので、常に正しい紹介や推薦をすることができる。残念なことに家庭やコーヒーショップで働いていたのではそのようなチャンスは訪れまい。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

According to the creators, this app is designed to help people overcome their programming anxieties with an easy entry to learning. It’s still an early version, so the creators are gathering feedback to drastically improve the user experience. It’s also non-commercial.

I’m personally fascinated by this app since I’ve picked up Python recently. But after trying it out, I think it has fallen short of its goals.

I wouldn’t recommend Singpath Mobile to absolute beginners as an entry point into programming. There are far better resources out there, such as Learn Python the Hard Way, any one of the free courses on Udacity, and yes, Codeacademy.


私は最近Python を利用するようになってから、個人的にこのアプリに魅せられている。だが、アプリを試すようになってからゴールにはまだ達していないと考えている。

全くの初心者にはプログラミングへの入門地点としてSingpath Mobileを私はお勧めしない。Learn Python the Hard WayやUdacityの全ての無料コース、そしてそう、Codeacademyなどこれよりもはるかによりリソースはいくつもある。