Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

CityOffers also shared that unlike the old group-buying model, merchants are able to to create offers and discounts whenever they want without waiting for two or three days. Other than that, merchants would not have to worry about the revenue loss from each sold voucher when most of customers do not come back to use their products or services.

Since its launch few weeks back, there has been 70 business accounts registered, along with “thousands of users accounts” registered. While there is traction, what got me thinking was the question: What’s stopping Groupon or established daily deals site like Zing Deal or NhomMua from launching their own mobile app, if they have not already?



数週間前のローンチ以来、「何千人のユーザーのアカウント」の登録と共に、企業70社のアカウントが登録されている。GrouponやZing Deal、NhomMuaのような 著名な日替わりセールアプリが、まだ自社独自のモバイルアプリをもっていないとすれば、何がそのローンチを思いとどまらせているのだろうか。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The packagingg was great and their seems to be no damage the box you put the lens in was huge thankyou, The only problem is I cannot remove the filter it seems to be cross threaded it is also hot in melbourne today at night after getting home so I will not attempt to remove it till tomorrow ehrn cooler and i will let you know.
Hi I [purchased another filter I will take the lens to the shop over the weekend with the new filter as the camera repairer says the one on now will have to be cut enther side and removed by going forward and back until it is or can be removed, soi bought tnis one to replace it if all goes well http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/170964025856



こんにちは。私は別のフィルターを買いました。週末、店にレンズを持って行きます。カメラの修理業者が、前後に動かして、動くようになるまで片方をカットして取り除かなければならないと言っていますので、交換するためにこの商品を買いました。http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/170964025856 すべてうまくいけばよいのですが。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The latter indulged in more bitter threats against Octavian,and when they became known the people were still more incensed against him.The tribunes of Antony's guard, who had served under the elder Caesar,and who were then in the highest favor with Antony,urged him to refrain from insult,both on their account and on his own,as he had served under Caesar and had obtained his present good fortune at Caesar's hands. Antony, recognizing the truth of these words, and feeling a sense of shame before those who uttered them and needing some help from Octavian himself with the people, to procure the exchange of provinces,agreed with what they said and swore that what he had done had been quite contrary to his intention,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

but that he changed his purpose because the young man was inordinately puffed up, being still a youth and showing no respect for his elders and no honor for those in authority.Although for his own benefit the young man still needed reproof, yet in deference to their remonstrances he would restrain his anger and return to his former disposition and intention, if Octavian, also, would curb his presumption.The tribunes were delighted with this reply and they brought Antony and Octavian together, who, after some mutual chiding, formed an alliance. The law concerning Cisalpine Gaul was proposed at once to the great dismay of the senators. They intended, if Antony should first bring the law before them, to reject it,


若いCaesarが過度に増長して、未熟なゆえに年長者、権威を持つ者に対して敬意を示さないから心変わりしたのだと述べ、断言した。この若者のためにはまだ小言が足りないが、もしOctavianも自分の無遠慮を曲げるなら、彼らの抗議書に従って自分の怒りを抑え、以前のような態度と腹積もりに戻るつもりだと述べた。護民官はその答えに悦び、AntonyとOctavianを呼び寄せ、互いにたしなめ合った後、同盟を組んだ。元老院を非常に落胆させたことには、Cisalpine Gaul地方に関する法律が直ちに提案された。もしAntonyが先に元老院に法案を提出したらただちにそれをはねつけるつもりだった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and if he should bring it before the popular assembly without consulting them,to send the tribunes of the people to veto it.There were some who advised that this province be made free altogether,so much was it dreaded on account of its nearness. Antony,on the other hand, accused them of entrusting it to Decimus because he had been one of Caesar's murderers and of having no confidence in himself because he had not joined in killing the man who had subdued the province and brought it to its knees — throwing out these insinuations openly against all of his opponents, as persons who rejoiced over the assassination. When the day for the comitia came the Senate expected that the people would be summoned by centuries,

