Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Yes, when you place your American Express card on your account as the form of payment then we can apply the Amex discount. You only need to send the link you provided above for the discount at that time.

There is no fee to do this. Please email the owner of the other account with your suite numbers and the package id numbers all to the left of the packages that you want to move in the subject line. Place package descriptions and your request to move them to suite 081-516 in the email. Then have the owner of that suite forward the email with their agreement to their account manager. THen the transfer will take place.

The email must come from the owner of that suite, it will go to CS6@myus.com


はい。お客様の口座の American Expressカードを支払い形式として選んで頂きますと、Amexの割引が適用できます。その時ご提供いただきました上記リンクをお送り頂くたけで結構です。

これには手数料はかかりません。他のアカウントの所有者に、お客様のスイート番号とお客様が移動させたい荷物の左側にあるID番号を件名に含めて電子メールをお送りください。パッケージの説明とお客様のスイート081-516 を移動させたいという請求を電子メールに記載してください。その後、そのスイート番号の所有者は契約を電子メールに添付して、口座担当者に転送してもらってください。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We received a package from Victor Rivera for you today, but it did not have your correct or complete address on the shipping label. Common address issues include a partial suite number or a missing suite number.

To avoid delays, please update your shipping address with merchants. When you place an order, please verify that your shipping address includes your suite number (106-537) as well as your full U.S. shipping address.

Your shipping address should look like this:

Each package that arrives at our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and incurs an address correction charge of US $5.


Victor Riveraさんからお客様への荷物を今日受け取りましたが、配送ラベルにお客様の正しく完全な住所がありませんでした。これは、部分的なスイート番号、不明のスイート番号を含む共通の住所の問題です。




3_yumie7 Japanese → Spanish
Original Text



Minami-za es el símbolo del barrio Guion y la magnifica pared de la fachada rotulada del estilo Momoyama atrae la atención de la gente. En la era Genna del periodo Edo, Kyoto-Shoshidai( la sede administrativa) autorizó la inaugración de siete torretes ( teatros) en el lado este de Shijogawara. En la era Kyoho, el numero de teatro fue reducido al seis y en los fines del periodo Edo se quedaron sólo los dos - Minamiza y Kitaza. En 1893, Minamiza se convirtió en el único teatro de Kabuki en Kyoto y continua existiendo hasta la fecha actual.
Cada año en un dìa aproximadamente el 25 de noviembre( el día 25 en 2012), los paneles publicitarios con los nombres de las estrellas de Kabuki que suben al escenario son puestos en la entrada principal de Minamiza. En el periodo Edo, el contrato de los actores de Kabuki era basado en el régimen de sueldos anuales desde el mes de noviembre( según antiguo calendario) hasta el mes de octubre del año suiguiente.

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for response. But, the return label indicates that the item has to be returned to Japan and postage has to be paid therefore, it may not be worth for me to send it. I would love if I can return it to a USA address.

9 days and this order is probably not shipped out yet!

I do not have time to wait for you to check.
If you want me to believe you shipped out my order, then please show me the shipping receipt or customs label with the tracking number ●JP.
Otherwise like you said, please ship out my order fast or cancel my order because a late birthday gift will be pointless!
I really do not want to call Amazon and tell them you are stealing customer's money and providing fake tracking numbers.



