Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple's second-generation iPad mini will launch later this year with a thinner and lighter design, while a model toting a high-resolution Retina display may not debut until 2014, if a new rumor is to be believed.

The claims were published on Monday by DigiTimes, a tech industry publication notorious for being the source of numerous questionable Apple-related rumors. Its latest details, sourced as usual to unnamed people in Apple's supply chain, suggest a new iPad mini with a thinner and lighter design will launch in the second half of 2013.

That model, though, would be something of a minor refresh, the report said, while a major upgrade with a 2,048-by-1,536-pixel Retina display could come later.




しかし、同モデルは大きな変更はなく、より大胆なアップグレードをはかった2,048--1,536- ピクセルのレティーナ・ディスプレイ搭載モデルがその後発売されるだろうと報じています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Supply chain sources allegedly indicated that the Retina iPad mini isn't likely to go into production until late this year, which would set it on track for a 2014 debut.

In addition, the report said that the Retina model would see yet another redesign, this time with "an almost bezel-free look."

The details come just a few days after a separate report from the Far East also claimed that Apple's iPad mini may not gain a high-resolution Retina display until early 2014. Various reports have indicated that Apple had hoped to launch a Retina display on its 7.9-inch iPad this fall, but that technical issues may prevent the company from doing so.


サプライ・チェーンからの情報によれば、レティーナディスプレイを搭載した iPad ミニは今年後半までは生産体制に入らないらしく、2014年最初に設定されているとのことです。


この詳細情報は、Far Eastからの別の情報が伝えられた僅か数日後に報じられました。Far Eastも同様にAppleのiPadミニは高解像度のレティーナ・ディスプレイは2014年初めまでは発売されないだろうと主張しています。さまざまな報道はAppleが7.9インチのレティーナディスプレイを搭載したiPadをこの秋には発売することを期待していたが技術的な問題により発売できなくなったことを示唆しています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Monday's report also included allegedly details on a fifth-generation full-size iPad, suggesting the device will use "thin-film touch screen technology" to reduce its weight by up to 30 percent. The 9.7-inch iPad is also expected to have a thinner bezel design, and shipments are expected to reach between 2 million and 3 million units in August and September.

Well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities revealed back in April that Apple's fifth-generation iPad will be 25 percent lighter and 15 percent thinner than its predecessor. Subsequent parts and cases have supported expectations that the device will feature a design similar to the iPad mini.



遡ること4月、KGI証券の、情報通のアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏はAppleの第五世代iPadは前モデルより25%軽量化、15%薄型化されるだろうと明らかにしています。後続のパーツとケースに関する情報が、このデバイスが iPad ミニと同様のデザインを備えているとの予測を裏づけています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

In his emergency Octavianus sought aid where he could, an accommodation with the master of the sea. He sent Maecenas on a diplomatic mission to Sicily and gave pledge of his sentiments by taking to wife Scribonia, who was the sister of that Libo whose daughter Sex. Pompeius had married. But Pompeius, as was soon evident, was already in negotiation with Antonius. Once again the young Caesar was saved by the fortune that clung to his name. In Gaul Calenus opportunely died. His son, lacking experience or confidence, was induced to surrender all Gaul and eleven legions. Octavianus left Italy to take over this welcome accession: he placed Salvidienus in charge of Gaul, confident in the loyalty of his friend.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

When Octavianus returned towards the end of the summer, it was to find that Antonius had come up from the East and was laying siege to Brundisium, with Ahenobarbus and Pompeius as open and active allies. The affair of Perusia had been sadly mismanaged. This time the enemies of Octavianus had a leader. The final armed reckoning for the heritage of Caesar seemed inevitable; for Rome the choice between two masters. Which of them had the sympathy of Italy could scarcely be doubted; and, despite the loss of the Gallic legions, the odds of war were on the side of the great Antonius.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The rediscovery of civil society, I have suggested thus far, is an important development in both contemporary political theory and practice. Especially when we understand civil society as a third sector out side of and anchoring both state and economy, the theory of civil society reveals powerful means of enhancing democracy and social solidarity. These functions have been relatively neglected by political theorists concentrating on state and economy. Renewed interest in civil society, however, coincides with new expressions of scepticism about state institutions. Anti-state sentiment in many parts of the world has helped to create conditions for dismantling state enterprises, regulatory and planning functions,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

that have long been associated with governments.
While civil society can promote democracy, social justice, and well-being in ways I have outlined, there are limits to what what citizens can accomplish through institutions of civil society alone. ★
While state power must always be subject to vigilant scrutiny by citizens alert to dangers of corruption and domination, democratic state institutions nevertheless have unique and important virtues for promoting social justice.
I assume that no critics of state institutions today deny that states are important for policing, adjudicating conflict, and enforcing basic liberties. Nevertheless, many consider state institutions as necessary evils which ought to be kept to



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

a minimum and are not to be trusted. We should not look to states, on this view, to take more expansive and substantial action to further the well being of persons and groups. While it is always good to reduce suffering or injustice, solve social problems, and promote well-being, we should not depend on states to do it. Critics of the state have at least three kinds of argument for the claim that citizens should reject reliance on state institutions to solve social problems and promote justice as the equal opportunity for everyone to develop and exercise capacities: libertarian, communitarian, and post-Marxist. I will reconstruct each of these arguments, and then respond to them together.★
Although a society may



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

universalize and formalize these activities and curtail local autonomy. Government regulatory, redistributive, welfare, and social service bureaucracies, moreover, transform citizens into passive followers of orders and clients of services. State efforts to promote citizen well-being, furthermore, allow individuals and communities to shirk their personal and particular responsibIlities to contribute to the well-being of community members. State actions break up the civic sources of mutual aid and solidarity. Government programmes to achieve substantive ends of equality or self-development generate an 'entitlement' mentality according to which citizens clam-our for particular benefits to serve their interests



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

On the coasts Ahenobarbus threatened Italy from the east, Pompeius from the south and west. If this were not enough, all his provinces were assailed at once. Pompeius drove out M. Lurius and captured Sardinia; in Hispania Octavianus' general Carrinas was faced by the invasion of a Moorish prince whom L. Antonius and Fulvia had incited; in Africa the ex-centurion Fuficius Fango, fighting with valour and resource in a confused war against T. Sextius, the former governor, who had remained in the province, was at last overcome and killed. Caesar's heir would soon be trapped--and crushed at last. That way all odds pointed and most men's hopes.

