Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 20 Aug 2019 at 16:08
彼が購入している問屋は、直接 メーカーから商品が購入できます。問屋の名前は、企業秘密なので教える事ができないそうです。以前の社長は、売上の2%の出来高を
As for wholesaler he purchases, you can purchase the item from manufacturer. I heard that he cannot tell name of the wholesaler as confidential information of the company. The former president had received 2 percent of sales amount, but the sales last year was half of the percent in comparison with before. If we make the sales double, we cannot have the same amount as that in the past. As we are increasing the sales for the company, would you improve the percentage?
The wholesaler offers at the price that is purchased from our manufacturer.