Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 13 Nov 2017 at 16:19

fish2514 52 ご覧頂きまして、どうもありがとうございます。 現役の社内翻訳者です。...

1週間以上経過するので、今回は航空便での配送お願いできませんか。なぜなら、今 一番 商品が売れている時期で、できるだけ早く商品を仕入れたいからです。お客さんが言ってたのですが、事前に発注すると割引きを貰えるそうです。メーカーにいつ商品代金をお支払いをしますか。こ興味を持っている客先が少ないので、こちらの条件を承諾して発注する事は、難しいです。弊社がどれくらいの金額を発注したら、


Since it may go on 1 week or more until the item will arrive at the warehouse if it will be transported by road, may I ask you the delivery by air this time? Since now is the period when the items are sold most, we would like to purchase items as soon as possible. Customers said that it is possible to be discounted if you order an item in advance. When will you pay the product price to the manufacturer? Since there are a few customers who are interested in this, it is difficult to order it with accepting this condition. Could you please tell us how much order we make, how much will you discount?

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