Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 44 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 23 Jun 2016 at 12:14

ka28310 44 長年、半導体(システムLSI)検証を手掛け、多くの英文ドキュメントに触れて...



The client was in a hurry, so that they had no time.
We explained to the client. The product had a problem, but we delivered it as is.
Therefore, we do not need to replace it for free this time.

Reviews ( 1 )

ep_ntt_thuy 50 ベトナム語ネイティブである日本語・英語のフリーランス翻訳者Thuyと申しま...
ep_ntt_thuy rated this translation result as ★★★★ 29 Jun 2016 at 18:22

You did a good job conveying the information, just a little English mistake: "so that" is the phrase to indicate purpose, while in here the contents regards to reasons not purposes. Therefore, the first sentence should be translated "The client was in a hurry, so they had no time"

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