Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native German / 1 Review / 19 Mar 2016 at 19:11

tetrabb 52



This article, is an article with correct brand, model number, picture as well as explanation.
A complete genuine article was sent.
Since this is a high price article we do not accept return of the product or refund.
This is regulated and written in the shopping policy.
The return request on ebay is already off.
We thank you for your understanding and acceptance.

Reviews ( 1 )

ctplers99 64 フリーランス翻訳者Ctplers99と申します。日本語ネイティブで、翻訳者...
ctplers99 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 22 Mar 2016 at 15:20

This article, is an article with correct brand, model number, picture as well as explanation.
A complete genuine article was sent.
Since this is a high price article we do not accept return of the product or refund.
This is regulated and written in the shopping policy.
The return request on ebay is already off.
We thank you for your understanding and acceptance.

This article, is the one with correct brand, model number, picture as well as explanation.
A complete genuine article was sent.
Since this is a high price article we do not accept return of the product or refund.
This is regulated and written in the shopping policy.
The return request on ebay is already off.
We thank you for your understanding and acceptance.

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