Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 11 Jan 2012 at 18:20

kazutl 50

"Obviously we won’t be able to compete or change anything about the hardware, but that’s precisely the reason why we did BibbyCam just for Blackberry. Even though the RIM OS and hardware aren’t as great and versatile as the iPhone’s iOS, and we realise a lot of people and critics have undermined Blackberry. However, there are still a lot of Blackberry users out there and a lot of them want a photo-filter service. The market for iPhone and Android photo apps is amazingly crowded and competitive – we realized this and we did not want to go into that market. We wanted to empower Blackberry users, to give them a choice."


RIM OSとハードはiPhoneのiOSのように優秀かつ万能ではありません、多くの人々や批評家はBlackBerryを弱くなってきたと言われます。しかし、まだたくさんのBlackBerryユーザーがいてたくさんの人が写真フィルターサービスを欲しいと思っています。

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