Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 10 Oct 2015 at 08:31

hhanyu7 60

Theia already has a viable prototype of its product, and plans to have a commercially viable offering before the end of the year. The company will start, Kos says, by demoing using 3D images of famous figures like Iron Man, Princess Leia, Princess Elsa from Frozen, or Hatsune Miku.

Theia is currently self-funded, though Kos says recently it has generated a bit of interest from venture capitalists and hopes to raise a seed round in the first quarter of next year. Part of the difficulty so far, he says, is that “Taiwan’s VCs are comparatively conservative,” with few interested in early stage investment. As a result, Theia has been talking mostly to potential investors from abroad.


Theiaはすでに製品の実行可能なプロトタイプを持っており、年内に採算の合うものとして提供する計画だ。Kos氏によると、同社は、Iron Man、 Princess Leia, FrozenのPrincess Elsa、また初音ミクなどの有名な3D画像を使ってデモンストレーションを始めるという。


Reviews ( 1 )

planckdive rated this translation result as ★★★★★ 07 Jul 2019 at 14:43


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