Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 04 Sep 2015 at 16:34

kohashi 52 米国10年、オランダ2年、英国3年駐在。製薬業界出身。

2 補欠又は増員により就任した取締役の任期は、前任者又は他の在任取締役の任期の残存期間と同一とする。
第22条 当会社に取締役を複数名置く場合には、取締役の互選により代表取締役1名を定め、代表取締役をもって社長とする。
第23条 取締役の報酬及び退職慰労金は、株主総会の決議によって定める


(Term of Board of Director)
Term of Board of Director shall be until the end of the regular share holders meeting which shall be held as the very last meeting before the 10th business year of the Board of Director ends.
2 Terms of substitute Board of Directors or additional Board of Directors shall be the same as remaining terms of Board of Director
(Chairman of the Board and President)
Article 22 When the company shall have more than one Board of Directors, Board of Directors shall select among the them one Chairman of the Board who shall be president of the company.
Article 23 Remuneration and retirement benefit of Board of Directors shall be decided by the share holders meeting.

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