Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / Native English / 0 Reviews / 21 Aug 2015 at 04:16

fhsanda 53


メールのAuto Reply Settingで、月森さんの文章設定から、私の名前が外されていた



Because I was stuck in such a stressful situation.

In the email "auto reply setting," my name was removed from Tsukimori's sentence setting.
This can only be changed by the person themselves. My name was included in the past.
I believe leaving only myself out form a list that includes everyone else in my system/department is bullying, and if there is an actual reason for removing me I will not be satisfied until I am told why.

When there was a question regarding the commander's Blackberry from someone in communications, I I went to Tsukimori for advice since I did not know much about Blackberry's and iPhone's

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Additional info: 申立てになります。よろしくお願いします。No2