Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 51 / 0 Reviews / 29 Jul 2015 at 21:38




Here is the most thrilling amusement park in Japan! Fujikyu highland has many thrilling attractions at the best location just in front of Mt. Fuji. We introduce new roller coasters every 5 years to renew the Guinness record and we have achieved total 14 Guinness records with 9 attraction so far. "Takabisha" built in 2011 recorded the worlds No.1 with the top angle of fall at 121 degree. "Eejanaika" in 2006 recorded No.1 with the revolving seats style roller coaster which revolves total 14 times! There is a world heritage, Mt. Fuji near the park and there are more spots to drop by such as Fujiyama hot spring or museum.

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