Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 04 Jul 2015 at 09:13

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...


先日 発送したアイテムですが日本の税関で私に返送の手続きが取られた。

参照 ウェブサイト

追跡番号 AAA


私の元に帰ってきたら、再度 発送します。

その時 追跡番号をお伝えします。





Good day!
Regarding the item I sent a few days ago, I arranged for returning it at the Japanese customs.
You can see the following website for reference.
Tracking number : AAA
The staff at the customs might have misunderstood it as a real gun at the inspection by using X ray.

When it is returned to me, I will send it again.
Then I will let you know the tracking number.
If I cannot send it to your country (prohibited item), I will issue you a refund in full amount. I hope that you understand it.
I appreciate your cooperation.

Reviews ( 1 )

illusion85 61 東京在住のオーストラリア出身で英語ネイティブ。日本語能力試験1級取得、翻訳...
illusion85 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 06 Jul 2015 at 17:31

Good day!
Regarding the item I sent a few days ago, I arranged for returning it at the Japanese customs.
You can see the following website for reference.
Tracking number : AAA
The staff at the customs might have misunderstood it as a real gun at the inspection by using X ray.

When it is returned to me, I will send it again.
Then I will let you know the tracking number.
If I cannot send it to your country (prohibited item), I will issue you a refund in full amount. I hope that you understand it.
I appreciate your cooperation.

Good day!
Regarding the item I sent a few days ago, I have made arrangements at the Japanese Customs for it to be returned to me.
You can refer to following website:
Tracking number : AAA
The staff at Customs probably mistook it for a real gun during the X-ray screening.

When it is returned to me, I will send it again.
Then I will let you know the tracking number.
If I cannot send it to your country (prohibited item), I will issue you a refund in full. I ask for your understanding.
I appreciate your cooperation.

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