Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 67 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 May 2015 at 15:21

greene 67 母国語は日本語です。在住国は米国です。宜しくお願いします。

“This is good news for China business and brands, which are shrugging off negative stereotypes, ‘cheap, low-skill, low-tech’,” said Sarah Reiter, the president of FutureBrand Asia Pacific in an interview with Jing Daily. “Like Taiwan and Japan in previous decades, China is now shifting towards being associated with ‘modern, sophisticated, high-tech’.”

During the manufacturing process in 2014, Kell lived in Shenzhen for several months, talking to as many people as he could and learning about the manufacturing process and product development cycle in China.


「これは中国企業とブランドにとって良いことであり、『安物で、未熟で、低い技術力』という否定的な固定観念から脱却することである」とFutureBrand Asia Pacific のプレジデントSarah Reiter氏はJing Dailyへのインタビューで述べた。「台湾や日本の数十年前のように、中国はいま『現代的で、洗練された、高い技術力』のイメージに移行が進んでいるのです。」


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