Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 51 / 0 Reviews / 23 Apr 2015 at 12:49


その事をめ ぐって、妻と長女の口論は絶えず仕事から帰っても二人の怒鳴り声や妻が長女を叩く状況に巻き込まれている。今では心穏やかに家で過ごすことが出来なく なってしまった。長男も私立中学校を希望しているが、勉強も集中できず、争いの中で眠れないこともしばしば起きている。Aさんは妻の長女への指導の仕方 は適切ではないと思っている。しかし、妻はAが仕事に集中できるよう、Aさんを頼ることもなく、育児や家庭のことをしっかり頑張ってくれているの でAさんとしては妻を強く責めることも出来ない


Concerning that matter, Mr. A's wife and their fist daughter has been arguing and even he comes back from work, he is caught in the situation that his wife shouts to and slaps their first daughter. Now he cannot feel relax at home. Their son hopes to go to a private junior high school, but he cannot concentrate on study and often cannot sleep well during such a dispute. Mr. A is thinking it that his wife directs to their daughter wrongly, but he cannot blame her because she has taken care of their children and house work by herself so that he can work hard.

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