Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 12 Oct 2011 at 07:31

henno 50 イギリスの大学で博士研究員をやっています。アカデミックな話題を中心に幅広く...

Facebook Singapore Eyes Sales and Developers in Asia. No Office for Indonesia, Yet

What’s the function of Facebook’s Singapore office? Well, it’s pretty much still a sales office but it will now also focus on platform partnerships to help companies — both start-ups and big corporations — integrate/improve their products using Facebook, we learned today.

Alexander Kleinberg, Platform Partnership for the Asia region, says that he traveled around in several cities in an effort to reach out to developers across the APAC region. When asked about which emerging Asian markets have a strong community of developers, Kleinberg says that he is “impressed by the quantity and quality of the developers in Singapore.”




アジア地域のプラットフォーム提携の責任者のAlexander KleibergはAPAC地域の開発会社に接触するために、いくつかの都市を訪問したと語っている。新興のアジア市場のうち、どこが強い開発者コミュニティを持っているか尋ねると、Kleinbergはシンガポールの開発者の質と量に感銘を受けたと答えた。

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