Translator Reviews ( English → Russian )

Rating: 54 / 1 Review / 12 Oct 2011 at 01:41


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1. Захвати нужную часть экрана
Запусти приложение Gyazo и обозначь мышью область для захвата.

2. Авто-загрузка
Картинки моментально загружаются в сеть и адрес автоматически копируется в буфер обмена.

3. Поделись за секунды
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Дополнительная информация

-Адрес картинки автоматически копируется в буфер обмена
-Перетащи и отпусти файл картинки на ярлычок Gyazo на своем рабочем столе для немедленной загрузки.

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Reviews ( 1 )

11diamonds 55 ENGLISH --- Education and Life Exp...
11diamonds rated this translation result as ★★★★ 06 Mar 2013 at 00:24

This is a good translation. The only downfall is that the author doesn't quite do it in technical style, but rather translates it as a piece of literature. :) (Still it looks better than many closer translations.)
For example: Capture/Crop in brackets are actually commands, and are mentioned in order to help less experienced users. Ideally, it should be translated. The difficulty indeed is knowing what has been used by translators working for Microsoft, Linux and Max, plus some of the OS users still use English as the system language.
I like this translator's style - they are not afraid to rephrase and their level of command in Russian is very good. I have reviewed a number of their translations and would not hesitate to recommend them for further work (which indeed might positevely affect attention to detail and hence overal quality of their work).

PS I would trust them to review my translations too.

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