Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 Mar 2015 at 18:32

taklicious 53 アメリカ帰国子女、日英共にネイティブ、第2外国語はフランス語です。 東京...

また、前回オーダーした品番でLサイズを発注した場合は、今回 Lサイズを発注しなくて宜しいでしょうか。


Please do not bill us for the tagging in the warehouse, as the sum of the 2 orders is more than the minimum production.
Please ship the products of the 2 orders from the manufacturer around the same time, so that the domestic transportation fee may be economized.
The client will bear the fee for separating the products by category in the warehouse.
Also, If we order the large size of the same product number we ordered last time, is it okay if we do not order the large size this time?
This is because we can no longer order the large size. If you are not able to accept this term, please cancel the order.

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