Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 14 Feb 2015 at 21:26

vaguewhite 50 英語翻訳9年英語講師歴16年です。2012 IT 2013 IT 年金シ...

日本の女性はファッションに敏感で新しいものをどんどん取り入れようとします。そんな日本日本に「verge girl」さんが上陸したら大ヒットすること間違いないでしょう。私はもっともっと沢山の人に「verge girl」さんの存在を知って欲しいのです。日本に上陸する際は、是非私も仕事に携わらせていただきたいです。私はまだ大学生でビジネス力も経済力もありませんが、熱意とやる気は誰にも負けません。一緒に働かせていただきたいのです!出来ることならお会いしてこの思いを伝えたいです!!!


Japanese women pay a lot of attention about fashion, and use newer fashion style. Such as Japanese women would love "verge girl" that is coming to Japan. I want much people to know there is "verge girl". In it coming to Japan, I want to help your work sincerely. I am a college student, and haven't have money and ability of working yet, but I have more passion and hart than any other persons. Please work with you! If I meet you, I want to tell you my passion.

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 44
[deleted user] rated this translation result as ★★ 16 Feb 2015 at 11:08

Japanese women pay a lot of attention about fashion, and use newer fashion style. Such as Japanese women would love "verge girl" that is coming to Japan. I want much people to know there is "verge girl". In it coming to Japan, I want to help your work sincerely. I am a college student, and haven't have money and ability of working yet, but I have more passion and hart than any other persons. Please work with you! If I meet you, I want to tell you my passion.

Japanese women pay a lot of attention to fashion, and adopt newer fashion styles. Japanese women would love "Verge Girl" if it is coming to Japan. I want more people to know about "Verge Girl." If it is coming to Japan, I want to get involved in your work. I am a college student, and haven't have money and ability to work yet, but I have more passion and hart [?] than any other persons. Please let me work with you! If I meet you, I want to tell you my passion.

vaguewhite vaguewhite 16 Feb 2015 at 13:49


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