Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 24 Jan 2015 at 02:51

tearz 50 プロの翻訳チームによる以下の多言語プロジェクトの対応が可能です。 英語(...


さて、××の購入に関する件ですが、paypalもebayも通さず私たちのweb siteにて銀行振込での送金が可能でしたら今なら$5999まで値引きが可能です。(送料は私たちが負担しますが送金に関する手数料はお客様負担です。)もし興味ございますようでしたら連絡ください。


Regarding ○○ pick guard, at the last stage prior to shipping, we didn't confirm a crack around the pick guard, and it was certainly attached to it. However since it is as old as it could be, your kind understanding is appreciated.

Now, regarding the purchase of xx, if you wish to remit the payment via bank transfer over our website instead of either PayPal or eBay, we could mark down the price to $5,999 (The shipping fee will be covered by us, but the handling fees occurred to the fund transfer will be covered at your end.) If this interest you, please contact us.

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