Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 16 Sep 2011 at 21:56


BMW is in third place, and rounds out the three companies that are labelled as “genius”-level in terms of digital engagement in China.

The Swedish – oh, wait, I mean Chinese – automaker Volvo had a good social media year with a Sina Weibo-based campaign in which Weibo users could design the plot of its next TV ad.

Going Up, Going Down…

Some brands had a good year, upgrading their status from “feeble” – such as the cosmetics company Benefit which made better use of Youku, Weibo, and Kaixin to promote its products. Likewise, Dolce and Gabbana raised their game this year, with a wider social media presence and even a new app for Nokia phones available in the Ovi app store.



スウェーデンの、いや中国の自動車メーカーのボルボはユーザーがテレビ広告の筋をデザインできるSina Weiboを基礎としたキャンペーンを展開し、ソーシャルメディアを活用した。


いくつかの企業は今年ソーシャルメディアを活用し、「低活用」の段階からランクアップした。その中にはYouku、Weibo、Kaixinを使って製品を宣伝したBenefitがある。同様に、ドルチェ&ガッバーナもソーシャルメディアで存在感を発揮し、Nokiaの携帯電話向けにOvi app storeで新しいアプリを販売してランクアップした。

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