Notice of Conyac Termination

Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 45 / Native Chinese (Simplified) / 0 Reviews / 10 Dec 2014 at 08:59


The reverse patent license forced Qualcomm clients – which included many Chinese tech companies – to lift their patent fees when working with each other. But with Qualcomm now ordered to abandon that system, Chinese tech companies with numerous hardware patents (primarily Huawei and ZTE) could be in a position to gouge tech companies that don’t own as much of their IP (like Xiaomi). The establishment of this new fund suggests that rather than pay to license patents that were previously free, Xiaomi and other tech companies are interested in developing new patents of their own.


逆の特許ライセンスは多くの中国のハイテク企業を含む クアルコム クライアント達にお互いに高い特許料を持ち上げられた。でも、今 そのシステムの放棄を命じられたクアルコム 、多くのハードウェア特許 を持ち中国のハイテク企業(主に Huawei と zte 社)は自分程の IPを持ってない のハイテク企業にお金を強要するかも知れません。この新しい資金の確立は、此の事を示唆する:ライセンス特許(以前は無料ですけど)を支払うより、 Xiaomiと他のハイテク企業は独自の新しい特許の開発に興味を持ちように成ります。

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