Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 07 Sep 2011 at 03:35


5,000 Group Buy Sites in China, But No One’s Making Money

We told you last week that winter is coming for net startups in China. And we’ve been following the floundering of Groupon in China — short version: things are going poorly for them.
Today, the Economic Observer is reporting some more grim news for group buy sites in China: the competition is fierce and the rewards for victory are scant. This is something you probably already knew, but you might still be surprised by the numbers: China has over 5,000 group buy websites, 3,000 of which were launched in the first half of this year.



今日、Economic Observer (経済観測筋)が中国のグループ割引サイトにとって更に悲惨なニュースを報告した。競争はすさまじい割には、勝者への褒章はわずかである。恐らくこのことは既に知っていたと思うが、その数には驚くだろう。中国には5000以上ものグループ割引ウェブサイトがあり、そのうちの3000は今年の前期に開設されたものであるのだ

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