Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 24 Aug 2011 at 21:21

rakia 50

In March this year, SINA Corporation(NASDAQ: SINA) and a subsidiary of China Dongxiang (Group) Co., Ltd. entered into separate agreements to acquire an approximately 29 percent stake in total of Mecox Lane from Sequoia Capital. Sina bought almost 11 million ADS, or a stake of about 19 percent, in Mecox at $6 per share. In just less than 6 months, Sina and China Dongxiang have a paper loss of more than $69 million.

Shen Xu, officer of invest relations at Mecox Lane Ltd. states that, more details about adjusting and actions of new strategies will be announced at the end of this month, in its Q2 financial results report.


今年3月に SINA Corporation(NASDAQ: SINA)と China Dongxiang Groupの子会社は、Sequoia CapitalよりMecox Laneの合計約29%の株式を獲得する個別契約を結んだ。Sinaは、1株当たり6ドルとなるMecoxの、約1100万のADSまたは約19%の株式を取得した。6ヵ月もたたないうちに、SinaとChina Dongxiangは6900万ドル以上の含み損を計上している。

Mecox Laneの投資家向け広報担当責任者Shen Xuは、今月末行われる第2四半期の決算報告の際に、新戦略の調整とその実施についてさらに詳しく発表する予定であると話す。

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