Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 28 Oct 2014 at 09:15

haiksia 53

As you can see, a number of constructs that are legal in standard syntax have been changed to comply with XML syntax:

The taglib directives have been removed. Tag libraries are now declared using XML namespaces, as shown in the html element.

The img and input tags did not have matching end tags and have been made XML-compliant by the addition of a / to the start tag.

The > symbol in the EL expression has been replaced with gt.

The include directive has been changed to the XML-compliant jsp:directive.include tag.

With only these few small changes, when you save the file with a .jspx extension, this page is a JSP document.




imgとinput は、対になる終了タグを持たず、開始タグに a/ を付け加える形でXML準拠となった。

EL式における > の記号は、gtに置き換えられた。

includeディレクティブはXML準拠のjspに変わり、directive,include.tag となった。

これらのわずかな変更と、.jspx の拡張子でファイルを保存するだけで、このページはJSPの文書となる。

Reviews ( 1 )

white_elephant 56 手数料をご負担願えればありがたいです。
white_elephant rated this translation result as ★★★★ 29 Oct 2014 at 14:24


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