Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 58 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 28 Oct 2014 at 08:14


Everything you just said was a lie, I don't believe the dishonor of your people. That is not good business. And what goes around comes around. If you guys were making just a buy it now for me why did you take the time to remove the pictures and description? That would have taken more time then just relisting it as a buy it now. You should have done the right thing but no one did. Did you get a chance to talk to the manager and show him the last email I got from A, because I would love to. Either way I am very disappointed in everything that happened and your communication in general I buy and sell hundreds of thousands of dollars of guitars and never do business like that.


あなたが言ったことはみんな嘘だ。あなたの社員を侮辱するようなことは信じない。それはいいやり方じゃない。因果応報だよ。もしあなた方が私だけに即決販売をしていたのなら、どうしてわざわざ時間をかけて写真と説明文を削除したんだ? 単に即決販売としてやり直すよりも、もっと時間がかかっただろうに。マネージャーに話して、私がAからもらった最後のEメールを見せる機会はあったか?私なら絶対そうするよ。いずれにせよ、これまでに起こったことのすべてとあなたのコミュニケーション全般に、私はとても失望した。何十万ドルものギターを売買してきたが、こんな商売のやりかたは一度もしなかった。

Reviews ( 1 )

acdcasic 66 こんにちは、遠藤です。日⇔英訳対応が可能なバイリンガルで、翻訳歴は5年です...
acdcasic rated this translation result as ★★★★ 30 Oct 2014 at 01:01


This review was found appropriate by 100% of translators.

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