Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 24 Jul 2014 at 22:35

mooomin 60 英語圏に通算6年半居住経験があります。 最近はなかなか時間が取れないのが...

Unauthorized sales on Amazon, eBay, and similar 3rd party sites are creating negative customer service experiences that are reflecting poorly on the overall product line. In addition to this, there are now counterfeit versions of some of our popular products entering the market, making it necessary for us to trace the source of iFixit products sold online.

The knee-jerk reaction to this would be to simply discontinue our wholesale program and only work with our bigger retail chain customers, however we are a small business and love supporting small business, so we are going to try cleaning up our reseller channel instead of simply closing it.


Amazon, eBayまたは同様な第3勢力のサイトでの無許可販売が、悪い顧客サービスを生み出してしまっており、結果として製品ライン全体に悪い影響を与えている。それに加えて、我々の人気の商品の海賊版が市場に流入しており、そのため我々はネット上で売られているiFIxit製品の製造元をたどる必要が生じている。


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