Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 13 Jul 2014 at 17:29

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...

当日会場のCD販売ブースにて6/4発売アルバム「Killing Me Softly」をご購入の方に先着で「メンバーソロチェキ」をその場でプレゼント致します。




On the day in the hall we will give the "Member Solo Cheki" on the first-comes, first-served basis to those
who purchase an album "Killing Me Softly" that was released on June 4th in the booth where CD is sold.

The design of the "Member Solo Cheki" is set at random. You cannot designate a member in the picture.
In the "Member Solo Cheki", the Cheki with autograph that is set at random is included.

Hour of starting the sales of CD: 14:00~(scheduled)

Sales of items and ticket on the day
On the day we will sell the following items and ticket in the hall.

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Additional info: ■東京女子流
アーティスト名は「TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE」に統一下さい。