Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / Native English / 1 Review / 27 Jun 2014 at 20:02

ozsamurai_69 60 ー 日本語能力試験1級合格 ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式...

LP4枚 :US $357.96 (前回落札分)
LP3枚:US $270


Thank you for contacting me. If you would like to pay with PayPal including the items you bid on previously I can do that for you.
Is that acceptable?

If there is no problems, I will send you a payment request. The shipping for the 7 LP's is $30.

LP X 4: US: $357.96 (previously bid items)
LP 3:US $270
Shipping: $30

Reviews ( 1 )

tearz 50 プロの翻訳チームによる以下の多言語プロジェクトの対応が可能です。 英語(...
tearz rated this translation result as ★★★ 27 Jun 2014 at 22:08

Thank you for contacting me. If you would like to pay with PayPal including the items you bid on previously I can do that for you.
Is that acceptable?

If there is no problems, I will send you a payment request. The shipping for the 7 LP's is $30.

LP X 4: US: $357.96 (previously bid items)
LP 3:US $270
Shipping: $30

Thank you for contacting me. If you would like to pay with PayPal including the items you have bidded previously I can do that for you.
Is that acceptable?

If there is no problems, I will send you a invoice. The shipping fee for the 7 LPs is $30.

LP x 4 quantities: US: $357.96 (previously bidded items)
LP x 3 quantities:US $270
Shipping fee: $30

This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.

ozsamurai_69 ozsamurai_69 27 Jun 2014 at 22:22

PayPal does not send invoices it sends PAYMENT REQUESTS.....LP x 4 quantities is totally unacceptable English.....[previously] indicates past tense, there for bidded is not only a spelling mistake but grammatically wrong. I can continue as most all of the corrections you made are not right... Luckily 3 stars has no effect on y score, please be careful when doing evaluations.

tearz tearz 27 Jun 2014 at 23:05


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