Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 12 May 2014 at 17:44

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 Hello! I have been living oversea ...

名刺はその人そのものであるべきだと思います。建築設計事務所tsumac design factoryは、彼らの建築・インテリアへの姿勢やその設計・デザインにおいて、他とは明らかに違うクオリティを持っています。そのクオリティを生み出すためのこだわりを、名刺からも感じられるようなデザインを目指しました。紙は極めて厚いグレーの板紙に、職人の技術で刷られる活版印刷。その手作り感やアナログ感は、職人の技を凝縮した、他とは違う存在感や雰囲気を持ったものになりました。


Business card should be something to represent who the owner of the card is. The architects and Engineers, Tsumac Design Factory has a uniqueness and quality for their passion for designing and engineering the architectures and interior. We tried to create a card design to capture and express the essence of their quality. The paper is quite thick with a grey color, and letter press is cunducted by an expart techniques. It has a feeling of vitality and a handmade feeling created by craftmanship, and that makes it different from all other cards.

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