Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 44 / 1 Review / 28 Feb 2014 at 03:26

jetrans 44

あなたが呼び止めた ひんやりした廊下
並んでふたりで 返却ノートを運ぶ
たった一瞬触れた この肩と肩に
うつむいて 赤く耳を染めた私です

放課後 ためいき
更多更詳盡歌詞 在
風に髪あずけ その胸まで飛び込みたい

パパもママにも教わってないこと 教えて
Partition Love


Cool corridor that you had challenged
carry the return note with two of us side by side
And that shoulder to shoulder mere touch for a moment
It was me with my ear dyed red and head down

After school sigh
"Arsenic tomete Sot Toy Kiwo arsenic tomete"
more detailed lyrics
breeze leans on your hair and seems to be flying upto the breast

Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that I don't
I wanna know more than anyone, so I want to realize the things
Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that even my mom and dad don't know
even if I scream near you it won't reach you
Partition Love

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 52 Ako ay isang Hapon na nakatira sa Pinas.
[deleted user] rated this translation result as ★★★ 28 Feb 2014 at 09:34

Cool corridor that you had challenged
carry the return note with two of us side by side
And that shoulder to shoulder mere touch for a moment
It was me with my ear dyed red and head down

After school sigh
"Arsenic tomete Sot Toy Kiwo arsenic tomete"
more detailed lyrics
breeze leans on your hair and seems to be flying upto the breast

Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that I don't
I wanna know more than anyone, so I want to realize the things
Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that even my mom and dad don't know
even if I scream near you it won't reach you
Partition Love

Cool corridor that you had challenged
carry the return note with two of us side by side
And that shoulder to shoulder mere touch for a moment
It was me with my ear dyed red and head down

{On a cool hallway, your call stopped my walking
We walked side by side bringing reviewed note book.
(On a cool hallway,) I looked down as my ears turned red
when my shoulder touched yours in a moment)}

After school sigh
"Arsenic tomete Sot Toy Kiwo arsenic tomete"
more detailed lyrics
breeze leans on your hair and seems to be flying upto the breast

{I fetched a quiet sigh after school
“Just a quiet, just a quiet sigh as bate my breath”
I wanna run into your arms as my hair waving in the wind.}

Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that I don't
I wanna know more than anyone, so I want to realize the things
Hey, teacher
please teach me the things that even my mom and dad don't know
even if I scream near you it won't reach you
Partition Love

{You know what? Sir
Kindly teach me what I don’t know
I wanna be shining only in front of you
So, please notice my feeling to you, and think much of that
You know what? Sir
Please teach me what dad and mom never told me
My mind never reaches to you
even screaming in my soul
Partition Love}

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