Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 13 Feb 2014 at 01:27



私の本職は映像撮影なので写真撮影は苦手なんです(笑 YouTubeの動画もpライベートなのでかなり適当に撮影してますしねlol
Frickrの画像はExif infoの項目を見てもらえれば使用したカメラや設定情報を見れると思います。


Please do not worry on the progress status. Thank you for your concern.

My main task is shooting movies so I am bad at shooting photos (lol) The YouTube video is also private so I have to shoot it appropriately lol
If you can look at the Exif info section in the Flickr photo, you can see the camera used and the setup information.
I am interested in shooting photos so I am bad at it and so I am quite embarrassed lol.
You can finish a perfectly beautiful photo even by editing the tips of the photo taken using an iPhone.

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