Translator Reviews ( English → Spanish )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 09 Dec 2013 at 18:36

luciernagasi7 50 Translator from English and French to...

Then the traditional haggling, which is fully expected throughout the Middle East, began. We easily talked his demand for fifty shekels down to thirty. But then, probably because of our English accents, the going got rough. Try as we might, the seasoned seller wouldn’t budge any lower. So we resorted to an old tried-and-true bargaining ploy. We upped and left.

Sure enough, as we were fingering his neighbor’s red-string bracelets and blue-eyed jewelry, amulets against the Evil Eye, the bell keeper changed his tune, “Twenty shekels,” he called out loudly, “you can have the bells for twenty shekels….” Cash exchanged hands, and all sides were happy. Bells in hand, we pressed on.


Entonces el regateo tradicional, que es algo normal en todo el Medio Oriente, comenzó. Hablamos fácilmente de pedir rebajar de cincuenta a treinta shekels. Pero también, y debido quizás a nuestro acento inglés, el regateo se volvió áspero. Lo intentamos, el vendedor con experiencia no rebajó más. Entonces recurrimos a una vieja, probada y verdadera estratagema de negociación. Nos dimos la vuelta y nos fuimos.

Efectivamente, ya que estábamos registrando entre las pulseras de cuentas rojas, bisutería de piedras azules y amuletos contra el mal de ojo de su vecino el guardián de la campana cambió de parecer, "Veinte Shekels," gritó en voz alta, "usted puede tener las campanas por veinte shekels .... " el efectivo cambiaba de manos, y todos estábamos felices. Campanas en mano, seguimos adelante.

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