Translator Reviews ( English → Portuguese (Brazil) )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 04 Dec 2013 at 18:25


The Weinbrunnenfest is held every year on the first weekend in July. It begins on Friday and runs every evening for four days. Unlike some of the larger wine festivals in the area, the one held in Gimbsheim is comparatively small and attended almost entirely by locals who gather together to enjoy music, dancing, food, and the variety of wines produced from the local vineyards.

The next morning, I slept in a bit to recover from the previous night out with the ladies. After finally getting up, I decided to go on a bike ride to take in the surrounding landscape and pass the time until the evening festivities were to begin. Riding down the narrow streets that cut through dense housing, I began to notice something.

Portuguese (Brazil)

A Weinbrunnenfest acontece anualmente na primeira semana de Julho. Começa na sexta e ocorre toda tarde por quatro dias. Ao contrário de grandes festivais de vinho, a festa que ocorre em Gimbsheim é pequena e atende apenas pessoas da região para aproveitar a música, dança, comida e a variedade de vinhos produzidos na região.

Na manhã seguinte, eu dormi para me recobrar de uma noite com as meninas. Depois de acordar, decidi andar de biciketa para vislumbrar as paisagens da região, até o momento da festa. Depois de andar nas ruas estreitas, no meio das casas, comecei a perceber algo.

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