Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 01 Jun 2011 at 10:34

sparkie 50 証券金融出身です。英日ですが、簡単なものなら日英も可。

Employees of the company were paid a $24,000 base salary plus a percentage share of any commissions earned by licensed brokers, if they were successful in obtaining new accounts for the brokers, according to court papers.

One employee, Bennet Marcus of New York City, worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. five days a week and was unpaid during his training, according to the suit. He worked for AXA from October 2010 through February as a trainee and cold caller, according to the law firm.
“The company is committed to fulfilling all of its wage and hour obligations,” said Jo Ann Tizzano, assistant vice president of external affairs for AXA Equitable Life Insurance. “We believe that there is no merit to this complaint.”



控訴によれは、従業員の一人、ニューヨーク市のベネット・マルカスは朝の8時から夜の8時まで、週5日働いたにもかかわらず、トレイニング中は無給であった。彼はAXAのために2010年の10月から2月まで、電話勧誘の研修生として働いたと、弁護事務所は述べた。「我社は給料支払いと時間拘束料すべての支払いに全力をつくしています。」AXA 生命保険会社の渉外部門の部長補佐であるジョー・アン・チザノ氏は語った。「このような告訴は認められないと考えています。」

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