Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 21 Oct 2009 at 02:49

2bloved 53 がんばって翻訳しますのでお願いします。 アメリカ西海岸にしばらく住んでい...

西川さんがあまりに気の毒。2005年、「郵政民営化だけを問う選挙」と言って自民党を大勝させた小泉と、担当大臣竹中はとっくに政界引退。 今や民間企業である日本郵政の社長人事に国家権力が何故、介入できるのか。説明してほしい。


I feel so sorry for Mr. Nishikawa. Koizumi who brought a big winning to LDP by saying "vote just to ask people about the needs of postal service privatization" in 2005 and Minister for postal service privatization Takenaka had already been retired from political world. Why can governmental intervation on president personnel be allowed for now privatized corporation Japan Post. We need explanation for that.

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