Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 28 Nov 2013 at 13:45

tatsuoishimura 57 経済、法務、マーケティング関連分野を中心に、英-日、日-英翻訳を行います。...

“We know that plastic is ingested by a broad range of organisms. What concerns me most is that these plastics are loaded with pollutants, such as fertilisers, because the plastic acts as a sponge for other things.

“This can be transferred via small fish to bigger fish and then us. It impacts the whole food chain. There has been research that shows toxins from plastics are causing tumours on the livers of some fish.”

Reisser said the true number of plastic particles is likely to be far higher than 4,000 pieces per square kilometre, due to the difficulty in counting extremely small pieces. Most of the particles found by Reisser measured less than 5mm across.





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