Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / 1 Review / 16 Oct 2013 at 16:45

kanakotok 60 Grown up in Hong Kong and New Zealand...


オーディオ機器展示や多くのセミナー/試聴会に加え今回は、話題のハイレゾ音源体験やNHKによるスーパーハイビジョン(8K)映像デモンストレーションやCASIOPEA 3rdの新譜発表会、女性グループの弦楽四重奏、工作教室のほか、組合せコンポ試聴会やミュージックバードの公開録音など、多彩なイベントが用意されている。


Audio Home Theatre Expo will be held in Time
24, Odaiba, Tokyo from 18 to21 of October, held by the Japan Audio Organization.

In addition to showing the Audio machines and many seminars and listening experiences, many events are planned like people can enjoy the high resolution audio player which is highly rumored, the demonstration of supervision (8K) picture by NHK and new music introduction by Casiopea 3rd, a live music by female quartet group and handicrft class, and also the experience in the combination component, open recording of the music bird and so on.

Reviews ( 1 )

jasmine_66 rated this translation result as ★★★ 17 Oct 2013 at 10:46

Audio Home Theatre Expo will be held in Time
24, Odaiba, Tokyo from 18 to21 of October, held by the Japan Audio Organization.

In addition to showing the Audio machines and many seminars and listening experiences, many events are planned like people can enjoy the high resolution audio player which is highly rumored, the demonstration of supervision (8K) picture by NHK and new music introduction by Casiopea 3rd, a live music by female quartet group and handicrft class, and also the experience in the combination component, open recording of the music bird and so on.

"Audio Home Theatre Expo 2013" sponsored by Japan Audio Organization will be held at Time 24 Building in Odaiba Tokyo, from 18th to 20th of October.

In addition to displaying audio components, seminars and auditions, many events are planned such as people can enjoy the high-resolution audio player, the demonstration of supervision (8K) picture by NHK and a new music introduction by Casiopea 3rd, live music by female quartet group, music studios, an audition of a combination component stereo, a public recording of the music bird and so on.

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