Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 02 Oct 2013 at 08:32

honeylemon003 60 以前、ホームページの翻訳をさせていただいてから、 翻訳というお仕事にとて...

His servants were interrogated under torture by his father, and they revealed the whole plot, how he also intended to kill his step-mother and his other brothers and the children of the dead youths, so that no other heir to the throne would be left. He had even set in motion some crimes against the household of Caesar, far greater than his offences against his own family.
After Varus, the governor of Syria, and the other Roman officials had arrived, Herodes summoned the sanhedrin to judge his son. As evidence, he provided the poison and the confession of the tortured servants and some letters from Rome. The king appointed Nicolaus to manage the trial.


Varusの後、Syria政府とほかのローマ当局が到着した。 Herodesは彼の息子の裁判にサンヘドリン(ユダヤ教の最高法院)を召集した。証拠として牢獄受け渡し、使用人たちへの拷問の告白をし、ローマからのいくつかの手紙を提供した。王は裁判の管理に Nicolausを任命した。

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