Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 23 Sep 2013 at 10:31

413kiraline_ 50 Am a bilingual Japanese, fluent in En...

Two Weeks Noticeは、2002年の米映画だ。サンドラ・ブロックとヒュー・グラント共演のロマンティック・コメディだ。理想家肌の弁護士ルーシーは不動産会社の御曹司ジョージの下で働いていた。しかし優柔不断でいい加減な彼の性格にあきれ果て「あと2週間で辞める」と宣言する。さっそく後任の『美人弁護士』を選び始める2人だが、別れを前にしてジョージの素敵なところが見え始め、次第に関係が変化していく。


Two weeks notice is an American romantic love comedy starring Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant that came out in 2002.

Lucy, an idealistic lawyer, works under George the scion of a real estate company. However, having become fed up of George's indecisive character and irresponsible attitude, she pronounces that she will quit the company in 2 weeks and begins immediately to look for "beautiful female lawyers" to take her place. But, as her last day approaches she begins to see the good side of George and their relationship begins to change.
This film is not only a cheerful and fun film to watch. The tempo is constantly up-beat and makes you want to see it over and over again.

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