Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 59 / 0 Reviews / 27 Aug 2013 at 10:53

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 59 翻訳歴 約8ヶ月 海外サポートメールとその返信文の翻訳を中心に行ってきま...

We presently do not have the option to see the sales ranking for the items in you inventory. However we can see the sales rank per ASIN. I have activated the sales rank for the items in your inventory. The items that have a sales rank can be seen. I have also attached a screenshot to confirm the same.

You can go to the product detail page of the listing and can see how that particular product fares in comparison to others in the same category. On the product detail page you will have to scroll down and under the "product information", please find the top 100 and click on that.



あなたはリスト内の商品詳細ページから特定の商品が同カテゴリの別の商品と比較してどれだけの売上があるかを見ることができます。商品詳細ページにいってから"商品情報(product information)"の下までスクロールしてから上位100(top 100)を見つけてクリックしてください。

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